The quantitative and qualitative results of a citation analysis toward the retractions in the humanities domain

This page contains the graphics and dynamic visualizations built on the results obtained after the application of a citation analysis toward the retractions in the humanities domain. On this page we provide:

  • Two images that summarize some of the values and stats we have obtained as a result of our citation analysis. One characterizes the citing entities and one characterizes the in-text citations contained in the citing entites
  • Two dynamic visualizations (LDAvis and MTMvis) to show the results obtained after the application of a topic modeling over the abstracts of the citing entities
  • Two dynamic visualizations (LDAvis and MTMvis) to show the results obtained after the application of a topic modeling over the contexts of the in-text citations contained in the citing entities

Descriptive statistics of some of the values concerning the citing entities

Descriptive statistics of some of the values concerning the in-text citations contained in the citing entities

LDAvis over the topic model obtained from the abstracts of the citing entities

MTMvis over the topics of the topic model obtained from the abstracts of the citing entities

LDAvis over the topic model created using the citation contexts of the in-text citations contained in the citing entities

MTMvis over the topics of the topic model obtained from the citation contexts of the in-text citations in the citing entities